Mark is a dear customers of us: He came with his family from Singapore to Estonia on their famous first digital nomad visa in the world. Mark has founded CognaLearn, a digital learning platform. His startup gives him the freedom to work from wherever he wants. He chose Estonia for the digital society and the supporting ecosystem of the local startup community. And he found the perfect conditions for what he loves most in his free-time: Trail running.

Digital Nomad Visas: The Game-Changer for Remote Work

In his lifestyle Mark is similar to many of our clients who choose a variety of very different countries as their destinations. That’s why we decided to share a deeper insight into digital nomad visas, their requirements and especially the aspect of the right health insurance for a digital nomad visa.

Imagine landing your dream gig as a digital nomad, only to have your visa application denied due to insufficient health insurance. For thousands of remote workers exploring the world under digital nomad visas, this is a crucial, yet often overlooked, requirement. In this guide, we as fully licensed independent brokers will help you navigate the maze of health insurance requirements by different countries, so you can focus on your adventures without worry.

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In an era where the digital nomad lifestyle has captured the hearts of wanderers everywhere, the freedom to explore new cultures and work from breathtaking locations is more appealing than ever. However, amidst the excitement of packing your bags and booking your next flight, there’s one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked: the real cost of healthcare across the globe.

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Quite some digital nomads are making a mistake by trying to avoid medical underwriting in their long-term international health insurance. There is only a small number of cases where this can actually make sense. You are most likely none of them.

When selecting health insurance as a digital nomad, opting for medical underwriting can often provide better coverage and cost-effectiveness. Here’s why:

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Many digital nomads consider using credit card travel insurance for their global health needs. While cards like Revolut or American Express offer substantial travel insurance benefits, they are designed for short-term trips, not a nomadic lifestyle.

Credit card travel insurance typically covers trips of up to 30 days (or up to 90 days with more premium plans) and requires trips to start and end in the home country. In contrast, international health insurance covers long-term, unlimited travel without such constraints, ensuring continuous protection wherever you are.

You surely already sense that relying on this type of credit card travel insurance as a digital nomad smells like a recipe for trouble. Here is why.

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Embarking on a life of travel together, you and your significant other dream of exploring the world and building a life of adventure. As you journey from country to country, thoughts of starting a family may naturally arise.
Family planning on the road brings unique challenges, particularly when it comes to health insurance.
Read here how to make sure in good time that all medical risks for your pregnancy, childbirth and your baby are well mitigated.

Here at we have particularly deep knowledge and experience around medical underwriting and coverage for all topics around couples becoming family. Our co-founder Christoph had previously been working for a decade at a specialized broker in children’s health insurance. In this article he is sharing what you need to know. Your key takeaway:
No worries, if you act early enough (well before pregnancy) then we can get you covered for everything unexpected.

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As a digital nomad, you enjoy a variety of freedoms that stationary citizens can only dream of. On a daily basis you are able to decide where, how and also with whom you want to spend your life. Should you stay another night in Hanoi, or do you take the next train heading South?

However, these freedoms often come with a cost: Health insurance. Most international health insurance plans only cover emergencies, or their premiums skyrocket once you reach a certain age. Therefore, many nomads remain dependent on the public health insurance of their origin country and will need to return for medical treatments regularly.

It does not have to be like that. Let me walk you through the topic and help you find the ideal solution.
While there is still no perfect one-size-fits-all coverage available on the market there are still good concepts to set up your health insurance globally for long-term location independent lifestyle.

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What is the big difference between travel insurance and international health insurance – and what is the right choice for you as a digital nomad?
Why does one cost less than 100 euros a month and the other usually costs (well) over 200?

Insurance is always the subject of lively debate in the digital nomad community. The question of what recommendations there are for travel insurance or health insurance for digital nomads comes up again and again.
The problem is that the discussions are unfortunately comparing apples with oranges when everyone throws in what he or she has taken out themselves. This is because crucial aspects are not taken into account. We explain them here!

Don’t let your insurance become a source of unsurance

It makes a considerable difference whether you take out international health insurance for several hundred bucks a month. Or just travel insurance, which only costs you 50 bucks. The contrast is not that the insurers are lining their pockets in one case. These are simply two completely different categories.
We want to tackle these misconceptions and clear up the myth.

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