Mark is a dear customers of us: He came with his family from Singapore to Estonia on their famous first digital nomad visa in the world. Mark has founded CognaLearn, a digital learning platform. His startup gives him the freedom to work from wherever he wants. He chose Estonia for the digital society and the supporting ecosystem of the local startup community. And he found the perfect conditions for what he loves most in his free-time: Trail running.

Digital Nomad Visas: The Game-Changer for Remote Work

In his lifestyle Mark is similar to many of our clients who choose a variety of very different countries as their destinations. That’s why we decided to share a deeper insight into digital nomad visas, their requirements and especially the aspect of the right health insurance for a digital nomad visa.

Imagine landing your dream gig as a digital nomad, only to have your visa application denied due to insufficient health insurance. For thousands of remote workers exploring the world under digital nomad visas, this is a crucial, yet often overlooked, requirement. In this guide, we as fully licensed independent brokers will help you navigate the maze of health insurance requirements by different countries, so you can focus on your adventures without worry.

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