Insurance News for Digital Nomads

Christoph Huebner in front of the building of Finantsinspektsioon, Tallinn, Estonia

On July 14, 2021, the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (Finantsinspektsioon) officially granted the insurance brokers license to Herrmann, Huebner & Partner. After an application process of 1.5 years, they are now among the first e-Residency companies to receive this license in Estonia.

In the words of founder and managing director Christoph Huebner: “We are happy to finally be in the position where we can help fellow e-Residents and location independent entrepreneurs around the world to cover their insurance needs. Global health insurance for digital nomads is our expertise and passion!”

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Christoph & Johnny in Chiang Mai, Thailand

I’ve been a remote entrepreneur for a long time. And almost 20 years in business (yes, I started my first one with 16). I’ve always been self-employed and never signed an employment contract for myself in my life. My background is marketing but over the last decade I slipped into the finance and insurance industry.

Today I earn a good part of my money with my German company which is an insurance broker specialized in children’s health insurance. With a fully remote team of now 6.5 we help parents in Germany to find the best health insurance coverage for their kids.

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